Übersetzung für "no alcanza" auf englisch
No alcanza
Deben realizar durante muchas horas trabajos pesados y la paga que reciben apenas les alcanza para sobrevivir.
They are appointed to heavy jobs, work long hours and are paid a minimum wage enough to keep them going.
No obstante, reconocemos que los progresos han sido dispares y no han tenido la suficiente rapidez ni los alcances requeridos.
Yet we recognize that progress has been uneven and neither fast nor far-reaching enough.
Como he dicho, para lograr lo que deseamos, no alcanza con deseos: debemos ser realistas.
Therefore, as I have said, in order to achieve what we want, wishes are not enough: we must be realistic.
Lo recaudado con el alquiler alcanza para pagar pequeños sueldos a los empleados.
The proceeds from the rental are enough to pay small salaries to the employees.
Este dinero no alcanza para cubrir las necesidades de las instituciones, que actualmente acumulan deudas.
This funding is not enough to meet all the needs of the institutions which are currently operating on debts.
Pero con ello no alcanza.
But this is not enough.
No alcanza con elevar protestas respecto de perniciosas transferencias de procesos industriales contaminantes.
It is not enough to simply protest pernicious transfers of polluting industrial processes.
Sin embargo, el salario mínimo apenas alcanza a solventar estas mínimas necesidades.
However, a minimum salary is hardly enough to cover even such a limited basket.
No alcanza con tener ideas nobles.
Lofty ideas alone are not enough.
- Pero no alcanza.
- But it's not enough.
No alcanzó la trayectoria.
Not enough trajectory.
- Con eso no alcanza.
- That's not enough.
Aparentemente no alcanzó.
Yeah. Apparently not enough.
Lamentablemente, no alcanza.
It's not enough, unfortunately.
Pero ya no alcanzó a alzarla.
But not enough to lift it.
Pero como disculpa no alcanza, ¿no?
But that’s not enough of an excuse. Is it?
—No alcanza, Arantxa.
“It isn’t enough, Arantxa.
Desgraciadamente, no alcanza para todos ellos.
Unfortunately there is not enough for all of them.
No alcanza para el pie.
There isn’t enough to do your foot.”
¿Le alcanza a usted ese tiempo?
Is it enough time for you?
Alcanza para reanudar los trabajos de la mina.
It is enough to restart the mine.
Nunca alcanza a decir mucho.
He never gets far enough.
Apenas les alcanza para comer.
They hardly have enough to feed themselves.
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