Übersetzung für "nacimos" auf englisch
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La sociedad industrial en la que nacimos se ha caracterizado por la maquinaria pesada y las herramientas que han marcado el progreso humano en el transcurso de los dos últimos siglos.
The industrial society into which we were born has been characterized by the heavy machinery and tools that have marked human progress over the last two centuries.
Sr. Aranibar Quiroga (Bolivia): En relación al ejercicio del derecho a contestar que ha realizado el representante de Chile, debo reiterar en esta ocasión que Bolivia no renuncia ni renunciará a su justa reivindicación de un acceso soberano al Océano Pacífico, dado que nacimos como república independiente con litoral marítimo.
Mr. Aranibar Quiroga (Bolivia) (spoke in Spanish): With respect to the exercise of the right of reply by the representative of Chile, I must reaffirm that Bolivia does not and will not renounce its just claim to sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean, because our nation was born as an independent republic with a
Como todos venimos del corazón de las grandes estrellas rojas en las cuales se forjaron los elementos que nos constituyen, está claro que nosotros nacimos para brillar, no para sufrir, e iremos nuevamente a brillar -- esta es mi firme esperanza -- en una civilización planetaria más respetuosa de la Madre Tierra, más incluyente de todos, más solidaria a partir de los más desposeídos, más espiritual y llena de reverencia frente al esplendor del universo, y mucho más feliz.
As we all come from the heart of the great red stars, where the elements that form us were forged, it is clear that we were born to shine, not to suffer. And we will shine again -- that is my strong hope -- in an earthly civilization that is more respectful of Mother Earth, more inclusive of all and showing more solidarity with the most dispossessed, most spiritual and most full of reverence for the splendour of the universe and much happier.
Queremos que ustedes mismos conozcan al pueblo colombiano, mi pueblo, que visiten nuestros paisajes, para que haya mucha más gente en el mundo tan enamorada de mi país como vivimos enamorados quienes nacimos, vivimos y moriremos en esa esquina privilegiada de América Latina que es Colombia.
We want those present here to get to know the Colombian people - my people. We want visitors to see our country so that many more people the world over will be as much in love with my country as are those of us who were born, who live and who will die in that privileged corner of Latin America - Colombia.
Históricamente nacimos iguales, y en igualdad podemos dar lugar a una nueva era.
Historically we were born equal, and equally we can give birth to a new age.
Una variedad de instrumentos internacionales, comenzando por la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, destacan que todos nacimos iguales en dignidad y derechos.
A range of international instruments, beginning with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, emphasized that all were born equal in dignity and rights.
Se nos considera vagabundos y corremos el riesgo de terminar en la cárcel en cualquier momento, pero nacimos en este país y queremos hacer todo lo posible por ganarnos la vida en forma legal.
Today we are seen as vagabonds and vagrants, and we risk being thrown into prison at any time; but we were born in this country and we want to do everything so as to earn a living legally.
Nacimos en la cuna de la esperanza y no en la tumba de la desesperación.
We were born in the cradles of hope, not in the tombs of despair.
Nacimos para ser razonables, así que nacimos ignorantes.
We’re born to be reasonable, so we’re born ignorant.
Nacimos con CerebroAmigos.
We're born with BrainPals.
Nacimos sabiéndolo».
We were born with it.
Nacimos para caminar.
We were born to walk.
¡Para morir nacimos!
We were born to die!
Nacimos en una prisión.
We were born in prison.
Pero algunos de nosotros nacimos sin elección.
But some of us are born without the choice.
¿Por qué nacimos así?
Why were we born this way?
Yo y mi marido nacimos aquí.
My husband was born here.
Nacimos en la fábrica.
The factory is our origin.
Los autores que no vemos publicadas nuestras obras a tiempo en nuestros países de origen, los autores que somos apartados del proceso cultural de los países donde nacimos, terminamos hablando con y de nosotros mismos, haciendo protagonistas a nuestros verdugos, terminamos lacrados como una caja fuerte, peleando con enemigos invisibles, escribiendo de esto mismo en todas las novelas, terminamos trabados en el elevador del miedo, rompiendo con todo lo que nos comunicaba con otra realidad, la del resto de los mortales.
The writers who don’t see our work published in our homelands in a timely way, who are kept apart from the cultural process of our countries of origin—we end up talking to and about ourselves, making protagonists out of our tormentors. We end up sealed like a strongbox, fighting with invisible enemies, writing about this very thing in all our novels, stuck in the elevator of fear, breaking off communication with everything that connected us to that other reality, the one where the rest of the mortals live.
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