Übersetzung für "nacido allí" auf englisch
Nacido allí
El Senador Pierre Frogier había presentado recientemente un proyecto de ley constitucional en el que se proponía que las personas nacidas en Nueva Caledonia, o cuyos padres hubieran nacido allí, y sus descendientes, incluidos los canacos que no gozaban del derecho de voto, pudieran votar en todas las elecciones.
Senator Frogier had recently submitted a constitutional bill proposing that anyone born in New Caledonia or whose parents were born there, and their descendants, including disenfranchised Kanaks, could vote in any election.
Se trata a menudo de personas nacidas en la República de Corea, de padres y abuelos nacidos allí también, pero que son incluidas en una categoría diferente y tratadas como extranjeros por no tener la ciudadanía de la República de Corea.
Many of them had been born in the Republic of Korea, of parents and grandparents who themselves had been born there, but they were placed in a different category and treated as foreigners because they were not citizens of the Republic of Korea.
Nacido allí, criado aquí, señor.
Welsh? Born there, brought up here, sir.
Ella había nacido allí.
She was born there.
Ella había nacido allí y lo amaba.
She'd been born there and she loved it.
Hablan hebreo como si hubieran nacido allí.
They speak Hebrew as if they were born there.
Nacida allí, criada allí.
Mm-hmm. Born there, raised there.
Si has nacido allí, nos odias.
You're born there, you hate us.
-¿Tiene él que haber nacido allí?
-Yeah. -Does he have to be born there?
- Tú has nacido allí.
- Well, now you're exaggerating, because you were born there.
También usted ha nacido allí.
 You were born there, too.
Y Annabelle había nacido allí.
And Annabelle had been born there.
—Papá me dijo que yo había nacido allí.
“Dad said I was born there.”
Bien, yo había nacido allí. Era mi vida.
Why, I was born there. It was my life.
También ella era de Munich, nacida allí ¡en 1902!
She, too, was from Munich: she’d been born there, in 1902!
Para cruzar la calle hay que haber nacido allí.
The only way to get across the road is to be born there.
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