Übersetzung für "mirar a través de la ventana" auf englisch
Mirar a través de la ventana
  • look through the window
  • look trough the window
  • looking through the window
look through the window
Había sido como mirar a través de una ventana el interior de la mente de otra persona.
It had been like looking through a window into someone else’s mind.
O’Connor se levantó y se inclinó sobre la consola para mirar a través de las ventanas.
O’Connor stood and leaned over the console to look through the windows.
Todo ello le produjo a Carrigan, al mirar a través de la ventana, la impresión de un amago peligroso.
To Carrigan, looking through his window, there was an oppressive menace about it all.
Claro que carecía de disco y no estaba conectado, pero, al mirar a través de la ventana, no resultaba evidente.
Of course it had no dial and it was not connected, but looking through the window, that would not have been apparent.
—susurró Avra. Rom se asomó por la pared lo suficiente para mirar a través de la ventana. —Aún no.
Avra whispered. Rom leaned out from the wall just far enough to look through the window. “Not yet.”
De buena gana hubiera dado hasta el más ínfimo segundo que le quedaba de vida a cambio de mirar a través de la ventana.
The rest of his life would be a small price he would willingly pay for a look through that window.
—Me ha preguntado. —Los ojos marrones tras las gafas de mochuelo me dirigieron un guiño y luego se desviaron para mirar a través de la ventana—.
“She did ask.” His brown eyes behind the owl-like glasses twinkled at me, but then he looked through the window in the front hall.
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