Übersetzung für "mirar a mí" auf englisch
Mirar a mí
Basta con mirar a ,
Just look at me,
Basta con mirar a , Taylor.
Just look at me, Taylor.
Estarás preciosa, nadie me mirará a .
You'll look so beautiful, no one'll look at me.
Es difícil mirar a ?
Is it hard to look at me?
Tené cuidado. ¡Pero qué me va a mirar a !
She wouldn't look at me!
¿Va a mirar a , por favor ?
Will you look at me, please?
Usted no debe mirar a de esa manera.
You mustn't look at me like that.
Pero Christopher ... mirar a .
But Christopher... look at me.
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