Übersetzung für "miraba pensativo" auf englisch
Miraba pensativo
  • looked pensive
  • he is looking thoughtful
looked pensive
Goldmundo miraba pensativo las manos de su amigo, aquellas manos distinguidas, fuertes y delicadas a un tiempo, enjutas y blancas.
Goldmund looked pensively at his friend's hands. How distinguished they were, severe as well as delicate, bony and white.
No me resultaba familiar, a diferencia del retrato de Holbein que había al lado de un Enrique VIII con ojos de cerdo que sujetaba un libro y un par de anteojos, mientras miraba pensativo al espectador con una mesa llena de objetos preciosos delante de él.
It was unfamiliar to me, as was the Holbein portrait next to it of a piggy-eyed Henry VIII holding a book and a pair of spectacles and looking pensively at the viewer, the table before him strewn with precious objects.
Había vuelto la cabeza y miraba pensativa hacia la ventana y la plaza iluminada por el sol, y decía, con un dedo en la mejilla, que a veces se preguntaba en qué consistiría no estar en este mundo —¿sería como estar anestesiada, quizá, no sentir nada, ni siquiera el paso del tiempo?—, y lo difícil que se le hacía imaginar estar en otra parte, y que más difícil todavía era pensar que no estabas en ninguna parte.
She had turned her head away and was looking pensively towards the window and the sunlit square, and was saying, with a finger to her cheek, how she wondered sometimes what it would be like not to be here—would it be like being under an anaesthetic, maybe, with no sense of anything, not even of time passing?—and how hard it was to imagine being somewhere else, and how harder still it was to think of not being anywhere at all.
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