Ähnliche Kontextphrasen
Sobre la base de las declaraciones de testigos, puede suponerse que a partir del momento en que fue sujetado por el cuello el comportamiento y los sonidos por parte del Sr. Obiora podían percibirse como señales de que jadeaba o tenía dificultad para respirar.
Based on witness testimony it is assumed that while in the stranglehold and afterwards, Mr. Obiora exhibited behaviour and made sounds that could have been perceived as gasping for air or having difficulty breathing.
"El jadeaba por aire, arqueaba su espalda, tenía espasmos",
"He gasped for air, arched his back, spasmed,"
Jadeaba para respirar y sus manos ya no estaban en mi cuello.
I was gasping for breath and his hands weren't around my neck any more.
Emitía un sonido horrible. Jadeaba.
An ugly, gasping sound.
Y jadeaba para respirar.
I'd gasp for breath.
Debió inhalar algún residuo mientras jadeaba al morir.
She must have inhaled some residue with her dying gasps.
Jadeabas como si hubieses estado peleando con alguien.
You were gasping as if someone was strangling you.
jadeaba de cuando en cuando—.
he gasped from time to time.
Isabelle ya no jadeaba.
Isabelle was no longer gasping.
David jadeaba, se ahogaba…
David was gasping, choking .
Luis estaba temblando y jadeaba.
Louis was gasping, shivering.
La chica tosía y jadeaba.
She was coughing and gasping.
Jadeaba, le costaba respirar.
Gasping, struggling to breathe.
Nereo jadeaba, exhausto.
Nereus was heaving and gasping.
El pequeño jadeaba como había jadeado la mujer.
The boy was gasping just like she’d been gasping.
Elayne jadeaba levemente;
Elayne was gasping, just slightly;
Mordía, arañaba, jadeaba... La lengua por todos lados.
Biting, scratching, panting, tongue all over the place.
Tener que decir esas palabras, mientras él jadeaba como un perro encima de mí. "Lo amo, Barón."
Having to say those words, while he panted like a dog on top of me. "I love you, Baron."
- ¿Jadeaba y babeaba?
- Panting and drooling?
Jadeabas como una puerca, resoplabas sin aliento.
You panted like a pig you puffed breathlessly, you exploded of pleasure.
Jadeaba y yo pensé que estaba riendo.
She was panting and I though she was laughing.
Al menos eso creo porque jadeabas y babeabas.
At least, that's what I thought. You were panting and drooling.
Sudabas y jadeabas.
You were sweating and panting.
Jadeaba igual que un perro.
He was panting like a dog.
¿O era ella quien jadeaba?
Or was that her panting?
Ella también jadeaba.
She was panting, too.
Él jadeaba un poco.
He was panting slightly.
El caballo jadeaba.
The horse was panting.
Caridad jadeaba.
Caridad was panting.
Jadeaba y resollaba.
She was panting and wheezing.
Jadeaba pesadamente.
He was panting heavily.
Yo jadeaba frenéticamente.
I panted with frenzy.
Además jadeaba... mucho.
Also he wheezed... a lot.
Él jadeaba un poco al respirar, como si padeciera de los bronquios.
The man wheezed as though he had bronchial trouble.
Vi cardiomegalia en las radiografías y oí un soplo holosistólico cuando jadeaba.
I saw some cardiomegaly on his X-rays, and heard a holosystolic murmur through wheezing.
- ¿Jadeaba al respirar?
Did he wheeze when he breathed?
La chica jadeaba:
The girl wheezed out:
Jadeaba con suavidad.
It was wheezing softly.
Rincewind jadeaba por el esfuerzo.
Rincewind wheezed with effort;
Obohl gemía y jadeaba.
Obohl was croaking and wheezing.
Jadeaba por el esfuerzo.
The effort made him puff and wheeze.
Para entonces Francisco jadeaba con fuerza.
Francisco was wheezing badly now.
El hombre jadeaba y hablamos del asma.
He wheezed, and we discussed asthma.
Jadeaba y tuve que respirar por la boca.
I was wheezing and had to breathe through my mouth.
Bufaba y jadeaba y chillaba en su angustia.
It wheezed and hacked and made shrill sounds of distress.
—No estaba gordo y fofo como tú, Bernard, y no jadeaba y resoplaba cada vez que subía un tramo de escaleras.
'I wasn't fat and flabby the way you are, Bernard. I didn't huff and puff every time I went up a flight of stairs.'
De regreso en su cabeza, observó que el tren jadeaba, resollaba y expulsaba grandes nubes blancas y notó el olor a humedad.
Back inside her head, she watched the train huff and puff and cough out great white clouds and a smell of dampness.
jadeaba penosamente, incapaz de hablar.
she panted for breath, unable to speak.
Estaba empapado de sudor y jadeaba casi sin aliento.
He was drenched with sweat and panting for breath.
Tenía una gran sonrisa dibujada en el rostro y jadeaba para recuperar el aliento.
He had a broad grin on his face, and panted for breath.
Entonces oí que alguien arrastraba los pies y que jadeaba como si estuviese a punto de quedarse sin respiración.
But then I heard a scuffling, and someone panting for breath.
Aunque estaba a veinte metros de distancia, Angie oyó que jadeaba.
Even from twenty yards away, Angie could hear him panting for breath.
Pero cuando se le acercó, comprendió que Meb no sólo jadeaba para recobrar el aliento.
But when he got close enough to speak, he realized that Meb wasn't just panting for breath.
Tenía el rostro enrojecido y jadeaba entre murmullos.
He was red in the face and blowing, muttering to himself.
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