Übersetzung für "intento probar" auf englisch
Intento probar
  • i try to try
  • try to prove
try to prove
—¿Qué intenta probar, Samson?
What are you trying to prove, Samson?
—Como he dicho, no intento probar nada.
“Like I said, don’t go trying to prove anything.
Los dos sabemos que intentas probar algo.
We both know you’re trying to prove a point.”
Diddy alzó la mano, conciliador.) No intento probar nada.
Diddy held out his hand. “I’m not trying to prove anything.
Incluso ha publicado un artículo en el que intenta probar que Laveran sufre alucinaciones.
He’s even published an article trying to prove that Laveran was hallucinating.
- Sin rodeos: Edmund Jennings Exley intenta probar cosas malas en contra de Lynn, muchacho.
  "Edmund Jennings Exley is as straight as I can be. He's trying to prove bad things against Lynn, lad.
Una austera compañía de seguros gasta dinero y explora el espacio de las inmediaciones de Vesta para hallar piezas de una nave destruida veinte años atrás. —Tal vez intenta probar que hubo sabotaje —aventuró Moore.
A hard-headed insurance company is spending all kinds of money, sweeping space near Vesta, trying to find pieces of a twenty-year-old wreck.“ „Maybe they’re trying to prove sabotage,“ said Moore.
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