Übersetzung für "incitarlo" auf englisch
  • incite him
  • i goad
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incite him
Su desprecio y sus ruegos parecieron incitarle más aún;
Her scathing scorn and then her impassioned appeal seemed only to incite him the more;
Alimentará las dudas de Tos'un y jugará con sus miedos, esperando incitarlo a derramar sangre.
It will feed the doubts of Tos'un and play into his fears, hoping to incite him to spill blood.
El borracho era un narrador brillante, y a los pandilleros les gustaba emborracharlo e incitarlo a contar historias.
The wino was a brilliant storyteller, and the gangsters liked to get him juiced and incite him to tall tales.
Indiferente a la contrariedad un poco ostentosa de Nula, que está casi pegado a él y que, moviendo con cierta impaciencia los pies, parece querer incitarlo a seguir caminando, Gutiérrez la contempla, no en el aire, que se ha aclarado levemente y contra el que las gotas, por densas que sean, son invisibles, sino en las plantas, en el suelo amarillento, en el río, cuando al chocar contra ellos, después de un desplazamiento incorpóreo, igual que si hubiesen atravesado una región extrasensorial, vuelven a materializarse.
Indifferent to Nula’s somewhat ostentatious irritation (he’s almost pasted to him, and, shuffling his feet impatiently, seems to want to incite him to keep walking), Gutiérrez watches it, not in the sky, which has brightened a bit and where the drops, despite their size, are invisible, but rather on the plants, on the yellowish ground, on the river, where, as they collide, after an incorporeal flight in which they seem to cross an extrasensory void, they rematerialize.
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