Übersetzung für "impropio de" auf englisch
Impropio de
improper of
Sobre la conducta impropia del personal de los establecimientos penitenciarios
Regarding improper conduct of the staff of places of imprisonment
Pueden ser destituidos por conducta impropia, en particular por corrupción.
They could be relieved of their duties for improper conduct, in particular corruption.
Otros (relaciones impropias con personal local)
Other (improper relationship with local personnel)
:: Participaremos en actividades ilegales, corruptas o impropias; ni
:: Participate in any illegal activities, corrupt or improper practices; or
:: Contratos de empleo impropios
Improper employment contracts
:: Participaremos en actividades ilegales, corruptas o impropias;
:: Participate in any illegal activities, corrupt or improper practices
El Comité concluyó que incluso el intento de justificación era impropio.
The Committee concluded that even seeking to make the argument was improper.
Entonces no sería impropio de mí para ofrecer esto.
Then it would not be improper of me to offer you this.
Sería impropio de mí tener una conversación con usted.
It would be improper of me to enter into any conversation with you.
Es impropio de mí comentar sobre la forma en que la otra parte ha llevado este caso.
[ POMPOUSLY ] It is improper of me to comment on the way the other side had handled this case.
Debo decir que es muy impropio de usted intentar manipularme así.
And I may say, it's most improper of you to try finessing with me in this way.
Mi querido amigo, como ya he declarado en numerosas ocasiones, no he hablado con ella desde que él salió de rehabilitación y, por lo tanto, no tengo absolutamente ningún comentario que hacer y, de hecho, sería absolutamente impropio de mí hacerlo.
My dear fellow, as I have stated on numerous occasions, I have not spoken to her since he walked out of rehabilitation and therefore I have absolutely no comment to make and indeed it would be quite improper of me to do so.
esto era impropio, aquello era impropio;
this was improper, that was improper;
—No, no había nada impropio.
No, there was nothing improper about it.
La pregunta es impropia.
The question is improper.
—Una pregunta impropia.
'An improper question.' '
Eran completamente impropios.
Completely improper.
Eso hubiera sido impropio.
That would have been improper.
—Esta situación es de lo más impropia.
This is a highly improper situation.
—¡Pero lo que sabemos no es impropio!
‘But there’s nothing improper about it!
Él lo consideraría impropio.
He would think it improper.
La pregunta es claramente impropia.
The question is clearly improper.
Lamentablemente, el representante israelí no puede abstenerse de formular observaciones vergonzosas que, para mantener el decoro, sólo describiremos como impropias e inadecuadas para este foro.
Regrettably, the Israeli representative cannot refrain from making disgusting remarks, and in order to maintain decorum we will only describe them as unbecoming and inappropriate for this venue.
En otras palabras, los pobres son un fracaso, una excrecencia impropia que hay que eliminar.
In other words, the poor are a `failure', an unbecoming excrescence that must be done away with.
En otros casos, es posible que una investigación revele actividades que infringen claramente las leyes nacionales, o una conducta impropia de un funcionario público internacional.
In other cases, an investigation may disclose activities that clearly violate national laws, or behaviour unbecoming an international civil servant.
—Conducta impropia.
‘Conduct unbecoming,’ the guy said.
Era una visión sumamente impropia.
It was a most unbecoming sight to behold.
—El enfurruñamiento es impropio de una espadachina. Tajo, chica.
Petulance is unbecoming in a swordswoman. Cut, girl.
—Ignominiosamente despedidas —agregó Juliet. —Por conducta impropia.
“Dishonorably discharged,” Juliet added. “For conduct unbecoming.”
Lucía un vestido impropio, verde oscuro y mostaza.
She was wearing an unbecoming dress in dark green and mustard.
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