Übersetzung für "hombres del comité" auf englisch
Hombres del comité
De algún modo, tenemos que sacarnos de encima a esa gente, a Skurleti, a los agentes que utiliza, los hombres del Comité, y acudir a la cita con Farisi mañana a la clínica.
It amounts to this. Somehow, we have to lose these people—Skurleti, the agents he’s employed, the Committee men—and keep that appointment with Farisi at the clinic to-morrow.
Lo que realmente me estaba preguntando era si la entrevista con Skurleti, que indudablemente me acobardó, no me había asustado tanto que empezaba a ver imaginaciones, que había empezado a ver hombres del Comité hasta debajo de la cama.
What I was really wondering was whether the meeting with Skurleti, which had undoubtedly frightened me, had so frightened me that I had begun to imagine things, that I had begun, as it were, to see Committee men hiding under the bed.
Sería un hermoso gesto, digno de él, y ni siquiera le ocurriría nada, porque justo en el momento en que los SS estuvieran por apresarlo, se oiría como en el cine: «¡Llegan los nuestros!» y entrarían de pronto los hombres de Comité para liberarlos a todos.
That would be a fine gesture, worthy of Committee, and no harm would come to him for it either, for just as the S.S. were going to lead him off to prison, there would be a shout, like at the cinema, of: "Our side's coming!" and Committee's men would rush in and set them all free.
Los hombres del comité se sobresaltaron tanto con su furiosa petición que echaron mano de los fondos para imprevistos, repletos con los ingresos de las fincas enemigas y las tierras de la Corona y de la Iglesia, y le dieron monedas suficientes para volver a casa.
The committee men were so startled by her fierce request, they dipped into their contingency fund - which was replete with the proceeds of enemy estates and Crown and Church lands - to let her have enough coins to get back home.
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