Übersetzung für "extraerlos" auf englisch
Salvini no tuvo que romper más costillas para extraerlas.
Salvini didn't even have to break any more of Younger's ribs to extract them.
Las escasas huellas de cobre no valían el esfuerzo de extraerlas.
The few traces of copper were not worth the effort of extracting them.
Champier estaba a punto de robarme los recuerdos, de extraerlos de raíz.
Champier was going to take my memories—extract them from the root.
No me atrevo a tratar de extraerlas porque no sé dónde están.
I don't dare try to extract them, because I don't know where they are.
De modo que el problema no es tanto su abundancia general en la corteza, sino la dificultad a la hora de extraerlos.
So the problem isn’t so much their overall abundance in the crust, but the difficulty in extracting them.
No era posible extraerlos quirúrgicamente, y aunque lo fuera, si se los quitaban nunca podría tener hijos propios.
Such a surgery to extract them wasn’t possible, and even if it was, she could never have children of her own if they took her ovaries.
–Si este insecto tiene células sanguíneas no pertenecientes a él, puede que consigamos extraerlas y obtener paleo ADN, el ADN de un ser extinguido.
If this insect has any foreign blood cells, we may be able to extract them, and obtain paleo-DNA, the DNA of an extinct creature.
las habían arrojado desde treinta metros de altura con magnífica puntería en un campo de siete gravedades, y nada, salvo una potente maquinaria, podría extraerlas.
they had been dropped from nearly a hundred feet with superlative aim in a field of seven gravities, and nothing short of power machinery was going to extract them.
Procuraba acelerar sus palabras, pronunciarlas a toda velocidad como si le incomodase o le irritara lo inútiles que eran, pero como si se le quedaran pegadas en los dientes y tuviera que pararse a extraerlas una por una con los labios.
He tried to rush his words out, to speed through them as if in embarrassment or vexation at how nearly worthless they were, but they kept bunching up in his teeth, and he had to stop and extract them with his lips, one by one.
Por regla general, pues, extraerlos específicamente no es factible desde el punto de vista económico —hacerlo cuesta más que el valor que tienen—, y la disponibilidad geográfica de los metales de tierras raras que pueden ser explotados de manera rentable es limitada.
On the whole, therefore, mining them specifically isn’t economically feasible – it costs more to extract them than they are worth. Thus the geographic availability of rare earth metals that can be mined profitably is limited around the world.
El agua escasea, y es difícil y costoso encontrar y extraerla;
Water is scarce, difficult and expensive to locate and extract;
En esos procesos, el CO2 es un producto secundario y no existen medidas eficientes para extraerlo del gas residual.
In these processes, CO2 is produced as a byproduct and there are no cost-effective measures exist for extracting CO2 from the waste gas.
Una vez clasificada la información, será posible recuperarla o extraerla automáticamente de los informes.
Once classified, it will be possible to automatically extract or retrieve information from reports.
Una vez clasificada la información será posible extraerla o recuperarla automáticamente de los informes.
Once classified, it will be possible to automatically extract or retrieve this information from reports.
Afirma que fueron golpeados durante ocho días para extraerles una confesión.
He claims that they were beaten over a period of eight days in order to extract a confession.
Basta con que, en virtud de su cargo, el funcionario público torture al imputado a fin de extraerle una confesión.
It is sufficient that the public official has the power, by virtue of his public duties, to torture the accused person with a view to extracting a confession from him.
Los combustibles fósiles son finitos y no siempre resulta fácil extraerlos; los altos precios del petróleo son una prueba de ello.
Fossil fuels are finite and not always easy to extract; high oil prices are one manifestation of this.
Luego intentaremos extraerlos.
And then try to extract it.
- ¿Quieres decir, extraerlos suavemente?
- You mean, gently extract?
¿No pudiste extraerla?
Couldn't extract it?
si podemos extraerla.
If we can extract it.
Extraerlo no era factible.
Extracting him wasn't feasible.
- Para extraerle la esencia.
- To extract the essence.
Extraerlo, tiene probables riesgos.
Extracting it, there are probable risks.
No es momento para extraerlo del casco.
This is not the moment to extract him.
Han tenido que extraerle el teléfono.
She’s had to have her phone extracted.
—Luego hay que llevarla a un interior para extraerla.
Then you must take it indoors for the extraction.
—Estábamos preparándola para el quirófano, para extraerle las balas y todo eso.
We were prepping her for surgery, for extraction of the bullets and so on.
Hasta había ayudado a Acquapendente a extraerle el estilete.
He had even helped Acquapendente to extract the stiletto from him.
y que habían triturado otro montón de huesos para extraerles la médula.
and that a mass of other bones had been smashed for the extraction of marrow.
No me atrevería a extraerla, no con la ciudad dando bandazos así.
I daren’t try to extract it, not with the city lurching about like this.”
De manera que debe abordar a un desconocido y extraerle su semilla.
So, she should accost a stranger and extract his seed.
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