Übersetzung für "escondite es" auf englisch
Escondite es
En ese escondite se encontraron documentos, mapas, pastillas de cianuro y municiones.
Some documents, maps, cyanide pills and ammunition were taken from that hide-out.
Una vez terminado el ataque, los pobladores salieron de sus escondites a enterrar los cadáveres.
Once the attack was over, the population came out of hiding to bury the bodies.
Se alega que las amenazas se profirieron para obligar a los hombres a salir de su escondite.
The rape threats have allegedly been made to force the men to come out of hiding.
Los militares violaban a familiares de los opositores políticos como forma de venganza o para obligarles a salir de su escondite.
Relatives of political opponents were raped by the military as a form of revenge or to force their relatives out of hiding.
Uno fue el escondite.
One of them was hide-and-go-seek.
Jugando al escondite.
Playing hide and seek.
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