Übersetzung für "en resolver" auf englisch
En resolver
Dejado a su suerte, ese dilema no se resolverá.
Left alone, that dilemma will not be solved.
- resolver/paliar los problemas laborales;
- to solve/improve labour problems;
Son numerosos los problemas que quedan por resolver.
There are still many problems to be solved.
Pero esto no resolverá el problema palestino.
But this will not solve the Palestinian problem.
j) Los acuerdos para resolver la inseguridad.
(j) The conventions to solve insecurity.
Identificar y resolver problemas
Identifying and solving problems
Los problemas de la migración se pueden resolver.
The problems of migration can be solved.
Éstas nos ayudan a resolver problemas que no podemos resolver individualmente y a fijar límites al comportamiento inaceptable.
They help us solve problems which we cannot solve individually and set limits on acceptable behaviour.
No hay panaceas para resolver esos problemas.
There were no panaceas for solving such problems.
Pero sólo con eso no se puede resolver el problema.
But that alone cannot solve the problem.
Joy trabajaba en resolver sus problemas siendo amable con alguien que ella odiaba.
Joy was working to solve her problem by being nice to someone she hated.
Y fallamos en resolver casos todo el tiempo.
And we fail to solve cases all the time.
Mi trabajo consiste en resolver los casos, no cerrarlos.
My job is to solve cases, not close them down.
Como concejal, mi trabajo consiste en resolver problemas como pueda.
As a city councilman, my job is to solve problems any way i can.
Lo que tarde en resolver el caso.
How long it takes to solve the case.
Está empecinado en resolver este caso por sí mismo, no?
No, but he'll do his damnedest to solve the case himself, won't he?
Nos quita la presión de otro homicidio que no tenemos apuro en resolver.
Takes the heat off for another murder we're in no big hurry to solve.
Tu tarea consistía en resolver, que significaba el movimiento de tropas.
Your task was to solve, what troop movements meant.
El primero en resolver el número cuatro.
- First one to solve number four.
La diversión del programa, Data, estaba en resolver el misterio.
The fun in the program, Data, was in the attempt to solve a mystery.
¿Qué resolverá eso?
What will this solve?
Eso lo resolverá todo.
This will solve everything.
Esto no va a resolver nada.
This is not solving anything.
—Tendréis que resolver el problema.
Then solve the problem.
—Para resolver problemas.
To solve their problems.
Bien, lo resolveré.
Well I’ll solve it.
Otro misterio por resolver.
Another mystery to be solved.
Resolverá los problemas de todos.
It will solve everybody's problems.
Y resolver tu adivinanza.
And solve your riddle.
Resolverá tu problema.
It will solve your problem.
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