Übersetzung für "dos civiles" auf englisch
Dos civiles
Esos motines causaron lesiones y resultaron en la muerte de dos civiles.
These riots resulted in injuries and the death of two civilians.
Motivo de la sanción: sevicias contra dos civiles y contra su jefe
Reason for punishment: assaulted two civilians and his superior officer
Dos civiles resultaron heridos
Two civilians injured
En el ataque resultaron heridos dos civiles.
Two civilians were wounded in the attack.
Dos civiles miembros de la tripulación sufrieron heridas leves.
Two civilian crew members sustained minor injuries.
Los proyectiles costaron la vida a dos civiles e hirieron a nueve.
The rounds killed two civilians and injured nine.
En el ataque resultaron heridos dos civiles y otro civil murió.
Two civilians were injured and one died in the attack.
Dos civiles fueron muertos a balazos por terroristas.
Two civilians were killed by gunshot by terrorists.
Un civil resulta muerto y dos civiles, heridos.
One civilian is killed, two civilians are wounded.
Resultaron muertos dos civiles, además del atacante.
Two civilians were killed in addition to the attacker.
Dos civiles fueron violentamente asesinados.
Two civilians were violently killed.
-Adelante tenemos dos civiles desarmados
-Forward. we have two civilians unarmed
Un militar, dos civiles.
A military, two civilian.
Acaba de asesinar a dos civiles.
He's just murdered two civilians.
Dos civiles desaparecidos también, Jefe.
Two civilians unaccounted for too, Chief.
Dos civiles, desarmados.
Two civilians, unarmed.
¡Dos civiles salvan a la ciudad!
Two civilians are saving the city!
¿Y con dos civiles de acompañantes?
And with two civilian companions?
Dispararon a dos civiles.
Two civilians got shot.
Hay dos civiles heridos.
There're two civilians that got hit.
Dos civiles venían bajando la escalera.
Two civilians came downstairs.
—Dos oficiales y dos civiles heridos.
Two officers down. Two civilians down.
Porque los dos civiles agredidos no tienen relación alguna con el asunto.
Because apparently the two civilians were completely unrelated to the business at hand.
Los dos civiles estrecharon la mano a los oficiales para despedirse y se retiraron.
The two civilians shook hands, bid their good-byes, and left.
Thorsson en representación del cuerpo de inteligencia y dos civiles que no conocía.
Just Thorsson from the intelligence corps and two civilians she hadn’t met.
Verdugo devolvió la mirada a un militar y dos civiles sentados en una mesa que los vieron entrar.
Verdugo returned the stare of an officer and two civilians at a nearby table.
La mina voló a un autobús, matando a treinta y dos civiles, entre ellos varios escolares.
The mine had blown up a bus and killed thirty-two civilians, including several schoolchildren.
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