Übersetzung für "dile dile" auf englisch
Dile… dile que volveré. Tengo que…
Tell him…tell him I’ll return. I have to—
Dile… Dile que venga enseguida.
Tell him.... Tell him he's got to come....'
Dile…, dile que quiero la ayuda de los partisanos.
Tell him… tell him I want the help of the partisans.
Y dile a tu… tu padrino… dile… dile que vas.
And you can tell your — your godfather…tell him…tell him you're going."
Y dile a tu... tu padrino... dile... dile que vas. —Muy bien —asintió Harry, muy contento.
And you can tell your – your godfather … tell him … tell him you’re going.’ ‘OK then,’ said Harry brightly.
–Eh... dile... dile que te quedarás aquí, y que yo volveré hasta la Casa de la Guardia y que enviaré a alguien a relevarte –dijo Vimes.
'Er... tell him... tell him you're staying here, and I'll go back to the Watch House and send someone out to relieve you,' said Vimes.
Y dile… dile que hay un Gigante en especial, llamado Curtis, a quien convendría lanzar muy lentamente hacia el Largo Viaje. Cuídate, Laur. Yo volveré en cuanto pueda.
Tell him— tell him there's one particular Giant called Curtis who ought to be launched very slowly on the Long Journey. Take care of yourself, Laur, I'll be back as soon as I can."
Dile... dile a mi esposa...
Tell... tell my wife...
¿Sabes qué, Gitty? Dile... Dile a tu papá.
You know what, Gitty, tell... tell your dad..
Por favor... dile... dile a Meredith que la quiero.
Please... tell... Tell Meredith that I love her.
Dile, dile, dile Dile a todos que ellos te importan
~ Tell, tell, tell Tell all the people that you care for ~
Dile...dile que abra esta ventana, ok?
Tell--tell 'em to open this window here,all right?
Dile... dile a la gente que me mataste.
Tell... tell people that you liked me.
Dile... dile que me llame esta noche.
Tell... tell her to call me tonight.
-Ella comenzó a asustarse-. Dile...dile al piloto.
She was panicking. "Tell-tell the pilot-"
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