Übersetzung für "digno de ser" auf englisch
Digno de ser
Sra. Álvarez Núñez (Cuba): Sr. Presidente: Permítame ante todo agradecerle los ingentes esfuerzos que usted y su equipo han realizado para que hoy podamos contar con un documento digno de ser transmitido a la Cumbre del Milenio.
Ms. Álvarez Núñez (Cuba) (spoke in Spanish): I wish first of all, Mr. President, to thank you and your team for your efforts to formulate a document worthy of being referred to the Millennium Summit.
Este año decisivo es, pues, un llamamiento a las naciones para que aúnen sus energías y sus recursos a fin de garantizar un futuro digno de ser legado a nuestros hijos.
This watershed year, therefore, is a call for nations to marshal their energies and to pool their resources, to harness a future worthy of being passed on to our children.
"mi invencible confianza en la humanidad, mi inquebrantable esperanza de que los hombres y las mujeres de buena voluntad de todos los rincones del planeta decidirán luchar en favor de quienes no recibieron la oportunidad de vivir una vida digna de ser llamada vida".
"my invincible trust in humanity, my unshakeable hope that men and women of goodwill from all corners of the world would decide to fight for those who were not given the opportunity to live a life worthy of being called a life".
El amor como don de sí es un tipo superior de amor por el cual "uno desea el bien del otro porque le reconoce digno de ser amado".
Love as self-giving is a higher kind of love by which "[o]ne desires the good of the other because he or she is recognized as worthy of being loved."
La creación de un grupo de trabajo sobre el sistema penitenciario nacional, integrado por representantes de las organizaciones no gubernamentales mencionadas en el párrafo 23 del informe, y que elabora un programa sistemático de visitas a los centros de detención, es considerado por el Comité como una iniciativa digna de ser destacada y citada como ejemplo.
The establishment of a working group on the national prison system, made up of representatives of the non—governmental organizations listed in paragraph 23 of the report, which is developing a programme of systematic visits to penal institutions, is in the Committee's view a development that is worthy of being noted and held up as an example.
Sin duda el proyecto en su estado actual podrá ser objeto de otras modificaciones, pero, en general, es digno de ser examinado y, en última instancia, aprobado como convención jurídicamente vinculante al igual que otras codificaciones fundamentales como el derecho de los tratados, el derecho diplomático y consular y el derecho del mar. La reciente aprobación del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional, que consagra la responsabilidad individual de quienes cometen los delitos internacionales más graves, también parece sugerir que ha llegado el momento de aprobar el instrumento básico sobre la responsabilidad de los Estados.
The draft as it now presents itself may no doubt still undergo changes, but by and large it is a draft worthy of being considered and eventually adopted as a legally binding convention alongside such basic codifications as the law of treaties, diplomatic and consular law and the law of the sea. The recent adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court setting out the individual responsibility of persons committing the most serious international crimes would also seem to suggest that the time has indeed come to adopt the basic instrument on State responsibility.
Usted no es digno de ser de mi marido.
You're not worthy of being my husband.
No eres digna de ser mi adversario.
You are not worthy of being my adversary either.
Ciertamente eres digno de ser mi hermano de sangre.
You're certainly worthy of being my blood brother.
¡No es digno de ser el Presidente!
You're not worthy of being President!
Él es un hombre digno de ser nuestro líder.
He's a man worthy of being our leader.
Raja, no eres digno de ser capitán.
Raja, you're not worthy of being a captain.
No eres digno de ser salvado, amigo.
You are not worthy of being saved, my friend.
La pregunta es, ¿eres digno de ser enseñado?
The question is, are you worthy of being taught?
Nunca me consideré digna de ser tu esposa.
I always felt that I wasn't worthy of being your wife.
¡No eres digna de ser su madre!
You are not worthy of being his mother!
Era digno de ser solo Yo.
I was worthy of being only Myself.
No son dignos de ser guardias negros».
They aren’t worthy of being Blackguards.’
Era digna de ser elegida antes que a otro.
I was worthy of being chosen over someone else.
¿Te consideras digna de ser mi suma sacerdotisa?
You think yourself worthy of being my high priestess?
Eso te hace digno de ser skaa. Kelsier sonrió.
That makes you worthy of being a skaa if anything does.” Kelsier smiled.
Eres una mujer sabia, digna de ser esposa de mi marido.
You are a wise woman, and worthy of being wife to my husband, too.
Al superar los Ritos, me había demostrado a mí mismo que era digno de ser un vampiro.
By passing the Trials, I'd proved myself worthy of being a vampire.
Philippe había intentado decirle a Matthew que era digno de ser amado.
Philippe had tried to tell Matthew he was worthy of being loved.
Haciéndome digno de ti, quizá me sintiera digno de ser yo mismo.
By becoming worthy of you I might feel worthy of being myself.
Podría convertirse de nuevo en un hombre digno de ser su padre.
He could become again a man worthy of being her father.
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