Übersetzung für "desembarazar" auf englisch
Ella dio un recio tirón, para desembarazar la mano.
She tugged to get her hand free.
Antes de que su contrario hubiera podido desembarazar su espada de los pliegues del tabardo, le descargó un golpe desesperado.
Before his wounder could free the tip of the sword Getting caught in the folds of her cloak, she struck a desperate blow.
En su posición agazapada, rígida, desembarazar a Hel de la mochila no fue empresa fácil, pero, una vez hecho, Hel pudo enderezarse un poco.
In their tight, stooped postures, getting Hel’s pack off was not easy, but once he was free of it he could straighten up a bit.
Algo en la forma de moverse del recién llegado me era familiar, sobre todo su manera de echar atrás la capa para desembarazar el puño de la espada.
There was something about the way the second man moved that was familiar to me, especially the way in which he folded back his cloak to free up his sword.
Luis agarró la linterna de rayos laser de su cinturón y empleó el afilado rayo verde para desembarazar a Interlocutor de sus globos.
Louis clawed the flashlight-laser from his belt, used its green needle beam to free Speaker from his balloons.
Apenas lograron desembarazar a la fragata de los muertos que la cubrían, y reparar los daños causados en sus buques por la artillería enemiga, cuando otros dos barcos tripulados por españoles, aparecieron en el horizonte.
They were intent on freeing the frigate from the dead that encumbered it and a patching up the equipment of their ships, somewhat battered by the large enemy artillery, when suddenly two other barracks, also mounted by numerous crews appear on the horizon.
Aun antes de haberse librado de la última capa de toga, se sentó en su silla tutelar y, mientras sus manos se esforzaban por desembarazar del todo la cabeza, su voz brotó de la oscuridad de la tela. —… ¡Nombradme un istmo!
Before he freed himself of the last layer of gown he sat back in his tutorial chair, and while he worked with his hands to free his head, his voice came out of the cloth darkness: '...
Era puro vuelo. Pero, una vez allí, tiró de la camisa de Titus para sacársela por la cabeza, como si se desembarazara de una vela; sin embargo, durante el salto se le había enredado en el cuerpo y, momentáneamente cegada por los pliegues que le cubrían la cara, perdió pie en un instante de pánico y, calibrando mal la superficie de la cornisa, perdió el equilibrio y, con un grito ahogado, cayó al suelo.
It was flight. But once there, she tore at Titus' shirt, hauling it over her head as though she were freeing herself of a sail, but somehow it had become entangled about her, during her leap, and, blinded for a moment by its folds across her face, she had, in a momentary panic, shifted her foothold and, misjudging the area of the ledge, she had overbalanced in the darkness and, with a muffled cry, had toppled from the height.
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