Übersetzung für "derroche fiscal" auf englisch
Derroche fiscal
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Esta situación -derroche fiscal y aumento de la deuda
These developments - fiscal profligacy and rising domestic debt, as well as external indebtedness and servicing of debt - accentuated the traditional vulnerabilities of the economy, which combined with the international crisis of 1997/98 resulting in a sharp decline in GDP growth in these years.
Además, la incapacidad del Gobierno para frenar el derroche fiscal en un sector financiero desregulado, con un sistema de paridad monetaria, en que la economía distaba mucho de reunir las condiciones de una zona con moneda óptima (el dólar) aumentó su vulnerabilidad hasta niveles insostenibles.
Moreover, the inability of the Government to check its fiscal profligacy in a deregulated financial sector within the currency-peg regime, where the economy was far from meeting the conditions of an optimal currency (dollar) area, increased its vulnerability to unsustainable levels.
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