Übersetzung für "delatar" auf englisch
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- ¡Nos va a delatar!
He'll betray us!
La torturaron para que nos delatara.
They tortured her to make her betray us.
Delatar al águila roja?
Betray The Red Eagle?
No se debe delatar a la familia.
Should not be betraying the family.
Los caballos me van a delatar.
I thought the horses would betray me.
No...no voy a delatar a mi equipo.
The Non .. not betray 'my band.
No lo delataré, lo juro.
I won't betray you. I swear it.
No te preocupes, no te delataré.
Don't worry. I won't betray you.
Kemp los delatará si no le pago. Perdón.
Kemp will betray them if I don't pay him.
No puedo delatar a mis hermanos a la policía.
I can't betray my brothers to the police.
Debían escribir la decisión de delatar o no delatar a su cómplice en la conspiración.
They were to write down the decision to betray or not to betray their co-conspirator.
No sería él quien lo delatara.
He wasn't going to betray him.
Os prometo que no os delataré.
I’ll not betray you.”
Su piel blanca lo delatará.
His white skin will betray him.
por suerte no hubo chirrido que me delatara;
fortunately, no tell-tale creak betrayed me;
Después de que Morrón nos delatara involuntariamente.
After Nosy accidentally betrayed us.
Era exactamente uno de esos detalles que le pueden delatar a uno.
It was exactly the kind of detail that might betray you.
—Alto..., no debemos delatar nuestra presencia.
No—it would not do to betray our presence here.
Tratará de crear su oportunidad y ahí es cuando el nervioso se delatará.
Try and create his opportunity and that's when Mr Jumpy reveals himself.
Lo hiciste porque ella te iba a delatar como el asesino que ¡eres!
You did because she was going to reveal you as the murderer you are!
Si se pone un teléfono junto a la oreja, delatará que lleva un receptor.
If you put a telephone to that ear, it'll reveal that you're wired.
¿Crees que si alguien es arrestado por robar debería delatar a sus cómplices?
If a person is arrested for stealing and others have helped, should he reveal his helpers?
Tarde o temprano quienquiera que lo hiciera se delatará.
Whoever did it will reveal themselves, sooner or later.
Tengo información que te delatará.
I have information that will reveal you.
Santiago iba a delatar al autor a cambio de su traslado.
Santiago was gonna reveal who did it in exchange for a transfer. Yes.
De esa forma, si nos capturaban no podíamos delatar a los demás rebeldes al Imperio.
That way, if captured, we couldn't reveal the other rebels to the Empire.
Kroll no haría su trabajo son Cutler a menos que el cliente se delatara a sí mismo.
Kroll wouldn't take the Cutler job unless the client revealed himself.
Esperé a que el sonido delatara su procedencia.
I waited for the sound to reveal its source.
El juez le dio la oportunidad de delatar a sus cómplices.
The judge give him the chance to reveal his accomplices.
A Gemmel no pareció importarle que pudiera delatar su presencia.
Gemmel didn’t seem to care that it might reveal the two of them.
Con una voz demasiado suave para delatar el latido de su corazón, cantó:
In a voice too soft to reveal the pounding of her heart, she sang:
Si estaba escondido, no era probable que se delatara. De su llamada deduciría que no solo lo estaba buscando ella, sino todo el mundo.
If he was in hiding, he was hardly going to reveal it to someone searching for him.
Su motor también estaba apagado y ninguno parecía muy inclinado a comenzar una conversación que pudiera delatar su postura.
Their motor was off and neither seemed inclined to any fact-revealing conversation between themselves.
—Ramón no me ha revelado el nombre de la clínica ni yo se lo he preguntado para no delatar mis artimañas de detective.
“Go on.” “Ramón didn’t tell me the name of the clinic and I didn’t ask him so I wouldn’t reveal my true intentions.
Tarde o temprano se delatará, y la intensidad de la vivencia dependerá de sus propósitos y de los secretos que posee.
Ultimately she will reveal herself, and the intensity of the experience will depend upon whatever purpose she has and what secrets she possesses.
Quizá ya no estaba sola y no quería correr el riesgo de que el aparato comenzara a sonar y delatara su secreto.
She was probably no longer alone and didn’t want to risk the phone suddenly ringing and revealing that she had one.
Denunció que durante esos tres días había sido golpeado y amenazado metiéndole una pistola en la boca para conseguir que delatara a los narcotraficantes que hay en Montenegro.
He alleged that during those three days he had been beaten and threatened with a pistol shoved into his mouth in order to get him to provide information about drug dealers operating in Montenegro.
La policía solía recurrir a los desalojos forzosos y la destrucción de bienes como medida punitiva, como castigo colectivo a una comunidad tras la comisión de un delito y como medida de presión para que la comunidad delatara o entregara a los autores.
Forced eviction and destruction of property is commonly used by the police as a punitive measure, as a form of collective punishment for a community following a crime, and to pressure the community to provide information or handover those responsible for the crime.
Le explicaron que no lo dejarían partir por temor a que delatara su paradero a las FDS.
They had explained to him that they would not let him leave as they feared that he would give FDS information about their positions.
No ha habido casos en que un policía u otros representantes de una autoridad oficial hayan obligado a alguien a confesar o delatar a alguien durante las averiguaciones.
There have been no cases in which policemen or other representatives of a government authority have forced persons to make confessions or to give information in connection with the investigation of cases.
Nadie lo va a delatar, Jack.
No-one's going to inform on him, Jack.
Estaba preocupada que Arthur la delatara.
She's concerned again that Arthur's giving information, setting her up.
Sólo escribe para delatar.
He only writes to inform.
Te delatará a los soldados.
When the soldiers come back, she'll inform on you.
Delatar a tu enemigo lo convierte en tu amigo.
Informing upon your enemy makes them your friend.
Él nos iba a delatar.
He was going to inform.
No es fácil delatar al propio hermano.
It isn't easy to inform on your own brother.
Winter acaba de delatar nuestros conductos de información.
Winter just blew our information pipeline.
—Tú no delatarás a nadie.
You will inform against no one,
Esta será la persona que lo delatará.
That's the person who will inform.
Temían que yo los delatara.
They were afraid I would inform on them.
Informar, delatar al vecino.
Inform. Tell on your neighbor.
Para delatar a los delatores, Harry, para infamar al infamante, Harry.
To inform on the informers, Harry, to cast infamy on the infamous, Harry.
Delatar a un Grisha vale un montón de plata.
Informing on Grisha carries a weight of silver.
No debéis temer nada: no os robaré, y no os delataré.
You have nothing to fear; I won’t steal and I won’t inform on you.
—Yo te delataré —susurró Ost— por planear una huida.
"I shall inform against you," hissed Ost, "for plotting an escape."
Ninguna ley obliga a delatar al propio hermano.
There’s no law that says you have to inform on your own brother.”
– Tu padre no ha hecho nada salvo delatar a una mujer perseguida.
“Your father hasn’t done anything except inform on a persecuted woman.”
Pillar a una asesina con las manos en la masa y ya no en disposición de delatar a su cómplice.
A killer, caught in the act and no longer able to blow the whistle on her accomplice.
Ambos habían sido ya rebajados de categoría tras sus intentos por delatar a colegas que habían aceptado importantes sobornos para suscribir declaraciones de la renta fraudulentas.
Both had already suffered demotions, after their attempts to blow the whistle on colleagues who had accepted big bribes to sign off on fraudulent tax returns.
Ella sabía de los asesinatos, que la excitaban locamente, murmuraba en los oídos de Marsalis que no tenía ninguna intención de delatar a un hombre así, y susurró sucesivamente a Paquete y Cachiporra que estaría encantada de sustituir a sus amigas muertas de la forma que quisieran, solo tienes que decirlo, cariño, y lo tendrás.
She knew about the murders and was crazily aroused by them, murmured in Marsalis’s ears that she had no intention of blowing the whistle on so much man, and whispered to both Stash and Club in turn that she would be happy to stand in for her dead friends in any way they wanted, just name it, baby, it’s yours.
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