Übersetzung für "del escondite" auf englisch
En ese escondite se encontraron documentos, mapas, pastillas de cianuro y municiones.
Some documents, maps, cyanide pills and ammunition were taken from that hide-out.
Una gran cantidad de personas desplazadas ha salido de sus escondites y regresado a sus hogares.
Large numbers of displaced people have come out of hiding and returned to their homes.
Se dijo al Sr. Kudziwe que se le pondría en libertad si revelaba el escondite del Sr. Chidzidzira.
Mr. Kudziwe was told that he would be released if he disclosed the hiding place of Mr. Chidzidzira.
El enfrentamiento terminó cuando su escondite fue demolido con explosivos.
The confrontation ended when their hide-out was demolished by explosives.
K. P., de 52 años, presenció el saqueo desde su escondite.
The 52-year-old K.P. witnessed the looting from his hiding place.
La carrocería de los automóviles y depósitos especialmente construidos se utilizaban como escondites.
Automobile bodies and specially built bunkers were used as hiding places.
Una vez terminado el ataque, los pobladores salieron de sus escondites a enterrar los cadáveres.
Once the attack was over, the population came out of hiding to bury the bodies.
Se alega que las amenazas se profirieron para obligar a los hombres a salir de su escondite.
The rape threats have allegedly been made to force the men to come out of hiding.
Los militares violaban a familiares de los opositores políticos como forma de venganza o para obligarles a salir de su escondite.
Relatives of political opponents were raped by the military as a form of revenge or to force their relatives out of hiding.
Puedes salir del escondite ahora.
You can come out of hiding now.
Vamos, Carla, sal del escondite.
Lets go, Carla, come out of hiding.
El juego del escondite ha terminado.
The game of hide and seek is over.
Cientos, para salir finalmente del escondite.
Hundreds, to finally come out of hiding.
Es una versión para mayores del escondite.
Ls an adult version of hide-and-go-seek.
Es como el juego infantil del escondite.
It's just like a childhood game of Hide and Find!
# ¿La vida juega un juego cruel del escondite?
Life plays a cruel game of hide and seek?
- por fin has salido del escondite.
-Finally came out of hiding.
Bonito juego del escondite, me encanta.
Ooh, nice little game of hide and seek, I love that!
No había muchos escondites.
There weren’t many hiding places.
Tenía un escondite.
He had a hiding place.
Tenemos un escondite
We have a hiding place.
ya no había escondites;
there were no more hiding places;
A Russell le encanta jugar al escondite, si su escondite es seguro.
Russell loves hide-and-seek, if his hiding place is safe.
Uno fue el escondite.
One of them was hide-and-go-seek.
–Sí, desde mi escondite.
Yes, from my hiding place.
Era un buen escondite.
It was a good hiding place.
Jugando al escondite.
Playing hide and seek.
El escondite perfecto.
The perfect hiding place.
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