Übersetzung für "crespa" auf englisch
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- Las características personales, como lunares o cicatrices visibles, impedimentos, defectos físicos, color de la piel, de los ojos, del pelo y si es lacio o crespo.
Physical characteristics, such as visible moles or scars, impediments, physical defects, skin colour, eye colour, hair colour and whether the hair is straight or curly
Mirad, hay tres personas perdidas, el tipo rubio,... el tipo crespo y el alemán que nos estaban ayudando con los heridos.
Look, three of the people are missing-- the blond guy, the curly-haired guy and the german who was helping us with the injured.
tu sabes, noté un cabello crespo y polvoriento en el suelo ... pero supuse que mi joven cuerpo estaba cambiando.
You know, I did notice a dusting of curly hair on the floor... but I just wrote it off to my changing teenage body.
Traté de hablarles, pero me gritaban... que tenías una barba larga y crespa y salieron corriendo.
I started to speak, and they all yelled, "Your father has a long, curly beard," and turned and ran.
-Hay pelo crespo por todas partes.
There are curly hair everywhere.
¿ Ve esa señora crespa de allá?
See that woman with the curly hair over there?
Hombre Fruta y Legumbre, soluciona la crisis mundial de pelo crespo.
"Fruit and Vegetable Man," solve the world crisis ... Curly hair.
-Hay pelo crespo en todos lados.
- Do you have curly hair everywhere. - It's simple.
Abajo crespo, abajo te dije conchetumare, abajo apurate hueón no se muevan los feos culiaos, todos abajo!
Stay down, curly! I Said down, motherfucker! Hurry up motherfucker!
El de hoja crespa es el que tiene vitamina B, pero... está bien... otro día sin él no curvará la columna del bebé.
The curly leaf is the one with all the B vitamins, but... it's fine... one day without it won't curve the baby's spine.
– ¡Qué primor de pestañitas crespas!
“Such beautiful curly eyebrows!”
El policía de pelo crespo silbó por lo bajo.
The curly-headed policeman whistled softly.
El vello era crespo, espeso e hirsuto, como electrizado.
The hair was curly and thick and stiff, as if electric.
Su pelo era muy rizado, casi crespo, pero no del todo;
Her hair was so curly that it was almost frizzy, but not quite;
Quizá su pelo crespo y canoso no sea singular.
Maybe his curly gray hair is not unusual.
La hierba crespa que nos rodeaba parecía arder.
The curly grass about us was on fire now.
A mi mamá le está saliendo pelo crespo y canoso.
Mother's hair is growing back—curly and gray.
El nacimiento del pelo alto y cabello corto y crespo.
High hairline and short, curly hair.
Su pelo era castaño y crespo, sus dientes blancos y parejos.
His hair was brown and curly, his teeth white and even.
Era gorda, con el pelo, o lo que quedaba de él, crespo y ensortijado.
She was enormous, around two hundred pounds. What was left of her curly hair was in fat ringlets.
Es como caminar por un bosque en un otoño crespo.
It's like walking through a wood on a crisp autumn...
profunda, crespa y más.
Deep and crisp and even
Hasta ahora hemos frito el corazón, la aorta Crespo, y la izquierda detrás de una terrible herida punzante.
Thus far we have fried the heart, crisped the aorta, and left behind a terrible puncture wound.
Así que Crespo encima de la piel en una sartén muy caliente y lo terminé en el horno.
So I crisped up the skin in a very hot pan and finished it in the oven.
También hizo una salsa de tomate y yo Crespo hasta las pieles.
Also made a tomato sauce and I crisped up the skins.
Se oían crespas y distintas.
They were crisp and distinct.
En ella, crespos, verdes y grotescos, había dos enormes repollos.
In it, nestling crisp and green, were two large cabbages.
un destello de plata que rozaba un poco de vello púbico, crespo y brillante;
a few crisp, shiny pubic hairs touched by a glint of silver;
Suavemente, pasó sus dedos por entre los crespos y rizados cabellos del califa.
Gently, he ran his fingers through the crisp, curling black hair.
El crespo vello púbico le hizo cosquillas cuando encontró lo que buscaba.
His short, crisp hairs teased her fingers as she found what she sought.
Gerald Marlow, un hombre de pelo abundante y crespo, era el jefe de la División de Servicios de Patrulla del NYPD.
Gerald Marlow, a man with thick, Vitalis-crisp hair, was head of the NYPD's Patrol Services Division.
Su crespo pelo rojizo le caía sobre la frente y las orejas. Sacudió la cabeza para echarlo hacia atrás.
His crisp russet hair fell over his forehead and his ears and he shook it back.
Mi madre luce su mejor vestido, uno con cinturón y solapas, y un sombrero con una cinta crespa. Sonríe temblorosa.
My mother is there in her best dress, a belted affair with lapels, and a hat with a crisp ribbon. She smiles tremulously.
Bajo la camisa su piel debe de ser dorada como luz de lámpara y los pelillos de su pecho crespos como hierba. No.
Under the shirt his skin must be golden as lamplight, the little hairs on his chest crisp as grass. No.
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