Übersetzung für "contra tener" auf englisch
Contra tener
  • against having
against having
Bueno, hay una ley en el condado de Los Ángeles contra tener a un bote mayor de 12 pies en tu jardín frontal.
Well, there's a law in l.a. county Against having a boat longer than 12 feet in your front yard.
No están luchando contra tener un hijo gay.
They're not fighting against having a gay son.
Y ahora llenaba el coche un silencio de protesta: contra Mozart, contra las salidas familiares en general, contra tener que viajar en taxi, contra la hora de carretera de Wellington a Boston, contra el mero concepto de tener que dedicar tiempo a la familia.
So here they were, a protesting silence filling the car: against Mozart, against outings generally, against having to take a taxi, against the hour’s drive from Wellington into Boston, against the very concept of quality time.
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