Übersetzung für "como te ves" auf englisch
Como te ves
Estás tan bien como te ves?
Feel as good as you look?
Hueles tan bien como te ves.
You smell as good as you look.
Si te sientes tan mal como te ves...
If you feel as bad as you look...
Y se tan bella como te ves.
And be as lovely as you look.
¿Te sientes tan bien como te ves?
Do you feel as good as you look?
Ojala fuese tan segura como te ves tú.
I wish I was as confident as you look.
Se siente tan extraño como te ves, Pie Grande.
Feels about as weird as you look, squatch.
Como te ves ahora.
As you look now.
¿Te sientes tan mal como te ves?
Do you feel as awful as you look?
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