Übersetzung für "comer solo" auf englisch
Puedes comer solo.
You can eat alone.
-¿Suele comer solo?
- Do you usually eat alone?
Detesto comer solo.
I hate eating alone.
Quiero comer solo.
I want to eat alone.
Prefería comer solo.
He preferred eating alone.
No me gusta comer solo.
I don’t like eating alone.”
Salagnon prefería comer solo.
Salagnon preferred to eat alone.
Detesto comer solo. ¿Tú no?
“I hate eating alone, don’t you?”
Se estaba acostumbrando a comer solo otra vez.
He was just getting used to eating alone again.
En ese ambiente, me gustaba comer solo.
In such an environment I felt perfectly content to eat alone;
—No soporto comer solo, ¿no le ocurre lo mismo?
“I hate to eat alone, don’t you?”
Dijo que le resultaba muy aburrido comer solo.
He said he found it boring to eat alone.
Comer solo, dormir solo, morir solo.
Eating alone, sleeping alone, dying alone.
No me gusta comer solo.
I don’t like eating alone.”
Salagnon prefería comer solo.
Salagnon preferred to eat alone.
Detesto comer solo. ¿Tú no?
“I hate eating alone, don’t you?”
Se estaba acostumbrando a comer solo otra vez.
He was just getting used to eating alone again.
En ese ambiente, me gustaba comer solo.
In such an environment I felt perfectly content to eat alone;
—No soporto comer solo, ¿no le ocurre lo mismo?
“I hate to eat alone, don’t you?”
Dijo que le resultaba muy aburrido comer solo.
He said he found it boring to eat alone.
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