Übersetzung für "cola de golondrina" auf englisch
Cola de golondrina
Cola de Golondrina es uno de sus esclavos.
Swallowtail is one of his slaves.
Cola de Golondrina era un buen chico.
Swallowtail was a good boy!
Cola de Golondrina se incorporó de rodillas.
Swallowtail scrambled to his knees.
—De manera que mataste a Cola de Golondrina.
“So, you killed Swallowtail?”
—¿Por qué haces esto, Cola de Golondrina?
Swallowtail,” she whispered. “Why are you doing this?
—Te lo dije —susurró Cola de Golondrina.
Swallowtail whispered, “I told you.”
Cola de Golondrina sacudió la cabeza con vehemencia—.
Swallowtail shook his head vehemently.
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