Übersetzung für "cicatrizarse" auf englisch
La herida empieza ya a cicatrizarse;
The wound is already starting to heal a little;
La herida estaba tierna aún, pero a punto de cicatrizarse Eso era lo que había pensado sólo un mes antes.
The wound was achingly tender but healed. That's what she had thought a month ago.
En veinte horas comenzaba a cicatrizarse la herida y habían desaparecido los dolores que tanto le habían molestado al principio.
In twenty hours his wound had already begun to heal and the sharp pains that had previously made him suffer so much had almost ceased.
Las antiguas heridas principiaban a cicatrizarse en el corazón de Guillermo. Pero, manteniendo su dignidad, se limitó a sonreír ligeramente. —Le recuerdo.
Ancient wounds began to heal in William’s heart, but he maintained his dignity and only slightly smiled.
Sus sentimientos se agolparon y brotaron en una hemorragia (la infección había terminado) y empezaron a resolverse, a sanar en una nueva forma, a cicatrizarse.
His feelings welled out and bled together (their festering ceased) and they began to resolve, to heal in a new form, to scar.
En trenes y camiones, también a pie, por las noches, cuando su herida comenzó a cicatrizarse y recuperó las fuerzas, llegó a la ciudad.
By rail and truck and, later, when the wound began to heal and his strength returned, at night and on foot across the open veld, he at last reached the city.
Pero ahora sus heridas empezaban a cicatrizarse y el mundo volvía a atraerla con su fatal fascinación, despertando en ella viejas esperanzas y deseos.
But now that her wound was slightly healed the world again began to exercise its fatal fascination for her, and with the accumulated hunger of many days all the hopes and desires awoke in her as before.
Mientras Clary miraba, la herida empezó a cicatrizarse lentamente; la carne verde negruzca del demonio se unía como si estuvieran cosiendo un tejido.
Even as Clary watched, the wound began to heal slowly, the demon’s blackish green flesh knitting together like fabric being sewed up.
—En mi vida he estado enfermo, Hump —me dijo cuando le acompañaba a su camarote—, ni he tenido nunca un dolor de cabeza, excepto durante el tiempo que tardó en cicatrizarse un boquete de seis pulgadas que me abrió una barra del cabrestante.
"I've never been sick in my life, Hump," he said, as I guided him to his room. "Nor did I ever have a headache except the time my head was healing after having been laid open for six inches by a capstan-bar."
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