Übersetzung für "casi femenino" auf englisch
Casi femenino
Me aflige que una historia que empezó con el hermoso y casi femenino Fiat 124... Vaya a terminar con el auto más ridiculizado del mundo Un auto con una cara que sólo la madre de un lanzador de bala ruso podría amar
It does distress me that a story that begins with the gorgeous, almost feminine, Fiat 124, is going to end with the world's most derided car - a car with a face that only a Russian's shot-putter's mother could love.
Hasta el pelo era casi femenino. Era como si se estuviese transformando.
Even his hair was almost feminine. lt was like he was going through a transformation.
Me encanta un Johnny Depp maquillado, de pelo largo, casi femenino.
Like, I love a fully made up, Really? long hair, like, almost feminine-looking Johnny Depp.
Evita el contacto visual, habla muy poco, pero cuando habla, suena sumiso, casi femenino.
Avoids eye contact, speaks very little, but when he does, he would sound meek, almost feminine.
Tenía una voz aguda, casi femenina.
His voice was high, almost feminine.
Sus manos eran delicadas, casi femeninas.
His hands were delicate, almost feminine.
Su risa era aguda y cortante, casi femenina.
The laugh was high and sharp, almost feminine.
Su voz era sorprendentemente aguda, casi femenina.
His voice was surprisingly light, almost feminine.
Nosotros teníamos ametralladoras, que en comparación eran casi femeninas;
We had machine guns, which were almost feminine in comparison;
Sus labios eran carnosos y bien dibujados, casi femeninos.
His full mouth was well-molded, almost feminine.
la voz se le había quebrado en un tono agudo, casi femenino-.
His voice had a sharp, almost feminine edge to it.
Un grito lejano y casi femenino horadó el aullido de la tormenta.
A distant shriek, almost feminine, cut through the howl of the storm.
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