Übersetzung für "camino recorrido" auf englisch
Camino recorrido
Eso mostraba el camino recorrido hasta entonces.
This was illustrative of the path travelled thus far.
El camino recorrido por nuestro país en esos 22 meses no ha carecido de dificultades y ha estado marcado por contradicciones y acontecimientos trágicos.
The path travelled by our country over these 22 months has not been without difficulties and has been marked by contradictions and tragic events.
Hay progresiones en las que el último paso es sui generis —incomparable con el resto— y en las que recorrer todo el camino es deshacer el trabajo del camino recorrido.
There are progressions in which the last step is sui generis—incommensurable with the others—and in which to go the whole way is to undo all the labour of your previous journey.
Pensó —en la medida en que le era posible pensar estando en traje de baño frente a él— pensó: cómo explicarle, aunque quisiera, y no quería, el largo camino recorrido hasta llegar a ese momento posible en que sus piernas se balanceaban dentro de la piscina.
She thought — inasmuch as she could think while wearing a swimsuit in front of him — she thought: how could I explain to him, even if I wanted to, and she didn’t want to, the long journey she’d taken to reach that possible moment in which her legs were swinging in the pool.
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