Übersetzung für "cama-ropa" auf englisch
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A todos los menores detenidos se les proporciona alimento, calefacción, luz, instalaciones sanitarias, ropa de cama, ropa, esparcimiento, asesoramiento, educación y formación adecuados.
All juveniles in detention were provided with adequate food, heat, light, sanitary facilities, bedding, clothing, recreation, counselling, education and training.
Además, en contravención de las reglas 10 a 21, no se le proporcionaron ropa de cama, ropa, alimentación ni instalaciones sanitarias adecuadas.
Moreover, contrary to rules 10 to 21, he did not have adequate bedding, clothing, food and hygiene facilities.
El Comité toma nota también de la denuncia del autor de que sus condiciones de detención eran mucho peores de lo que entraña la simple privación de libertad, que estaba recluido en una celda con 60 o 70 reclusos, sin privacidad alguna, sin acceso a servicios sanitarios, cama, ropa ni alimentos adecuados, ni tampoco a atención médica, y que la sobrepoblación en el presidio era del 300%.
The Committee also notes the author's allegation that his conditions of detention went beyond those inherent in the deprivation of liberty, including that he was held in a cell of 60 to 70 inmates, that he lacked privacy, did not have access to adequate sanitary facilities, bedding, clothing, food, as well as medical care, and that the prison's overpopulation amounted to 300 per cent.
tú, con tu juventud, podrás ver (acuérdate del pájaro) el día en que invente su propio clima particular y traslade su estufa baño cama ropa cocina y todo lo demás a su automóvil y en el que aquello a lo que en otro tiempo se llamaba hogar habrá desaparecido del léxico humano: de manera que no se apeará nunca de su automóvil porque no le hará falta: el mundo será, en su totalidad, una extensión ininterrumpida de pavimento poblada de máquinas, sin montañas ni ríos ni tampoco, siquiera, las protuberancias que suponen los árboles o los matorrales o las casas o cualquier otro objeto que pueda crear una esquina o una amenaza para la visibilidad;
you with your youth could (remember that bird) see the day when Thursday Night he will have invented his own private climate and moved it stove bathroom bed clothing kitchen and all into his automobile and what he once called home will have vanished from human lexicon: so that he wont dismount from his automobile at all because he wont need to: the entire earth one unbroken machined de-moun-tained dis-rivered expanse of concrete paving protuberanceless by tree or bush or house or anything which might constitute a corner or a threat to visibility, and man in his terrapin myriads enclosed clothesless from birth in his individual wheeled and glovelike en-velope, with pipes and hoses leading upward from underground reservoirs to charge him with one composite squirt which at one mutual instant will fuel his mobility, pander his lusts, sate his appe-tites and fire his dreams;
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