Übersetzung für "bueno ya era hora" auf englisch
Bueno ya era hora
  • well it was time
  • good it was time
well it was time
Sí, bueno, ya era hora de hacer un cambio en mi vida.
Yeah, well, it was time to make a change in my life.
Me enteré, que se dañó tu auto la semana pasada. Y bueno, ya era hora de cambiarlo de todas formas, así que ¿el color está bien?
I figured, you dinged up your car last week and, well, it was time for a new one anyway, so...
Bueno, ya era hora.
Well, it’s about time.”
Bueno, es la hora del té.
'Well, that's tea-time.
no. —Bueno, ya era hora —dijo.
no." "Well, it's about time,"
Bueno, ya era hora de terminar con esto de todos modos;
Well, it was time to wrap this up anyway;
Bueno, Rilla, es hora de ir a cenar.
Well, it's supper-time, Rilla.
Bueno, ya era hora de que aparecieras, Bob.
Well, it’s about time you showed up, Bob.
Bueno, ya era hora de que tu papi llegara.
"Well, it's about time he got here, your daddy.
Bueno, ya era hora —dijo irritada la Hermana Contrición—.
Well, it’s about time,” Sister Contrition said irritably.
good it was time
Puedes hacer de poli bueno. —¿A qué hora?
You can be the good cop.” “What time?”
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