Übersetzung für "aparatos digestivos" auf englisch
Aparatos digestivos
Enfermedades del aparato digestivo
Diseases of digesting system
Suena a aparato digestivo en perfecto funcionamiento.
Ooh, sounds like a digestive system in full working order.
La mayonesa light no es asquerosa de hecho es menos fuerte para el aparato digestivo
Mild salsa is not crappy. It's a lot easier on the digestive system for one thing.
Le vamos a limpiar su aparato digestivo.
We're cleaning out his digestive system.
En realidad, Jake, vuestros aparatos digestivos son totalmente diferentes.
Actually, Jake, your digestive systems are totally different.
Olvidé que mi aparato digestivo no funciona.
I forgot, my digestive system's shut down.
Tengo que hacer una maqueta del aparato digestivo.
I need to make a working model of the digestive system.
Meteos sus disculpas al final del aparato digestivo.
You shove your apology into the bottom of your one-way digestive system.
Se tragan los paquetes antes de embarcar y luego los recuperan del aparato digestivo.
Swallow the packets before boarding the plane, then retrieve the packets from the digestive system.
¡Tu sentido de la orientación es como tu aparato digestivo!
Your sense of direction is as good as your digestive system.
Ahora, siente la popó dentro de tu aparato digestivo.
Now, feel the poo moving through Your digestive system.
¡Mamá me ha incendiado el aparato digestivo!».
Mummy’s set my little digestive system on fire!”
—Un aparato digestivo consentido —le respondió Hodge, al vuelo—.
“A pampered digestive system,” said Hodge, readily.
Su aparato digestivo no deja de funcionar cuando se declara la enfermedad;
The workings of their digestive systems do not stop with the onset of the disease;
¿Recuerda que me dijo que pueden redistribuir su aparato digestivo?
You know you said they can rearrange their digestive system?
Estaba esperando a que la carne estuviera un poco pasada y desarrollando, al mismo tiempo, su aparato digestivo.
It was waiting for the meat to become high, and it was also developing its digestive system.
Le llegaban extraños mensajes de la enorme parte de su cerebro que controlaba el aparato digestivo.
Strange messages were coming from the massive part of his brain that controlled his digestive system.
El pomo giró con facilidad y se abrió a una habitación donde había una mesa de exploración, un lavamanos y varios dibujos del aparato digestivo.
The knob turned easily and opened to a room with an examining table, sink and charts of the human digestive system.
Su corazón, su hígado y su aparato digestivo estaban en tan malas condiciones, que su médico le había prescrito los alimentos más blandos.
His heart, liver, and 361 digestive system were such a ruin that his doctor restricted him to the blandest of foods.
Era la entrada de la mina Golden Spider, el lugar del que se había extraído la turquesa hallada en el aparato digestivo de Alban.
This was the entrance to the Golden Spider Mine—the site from which the piece of turquoise found in Alban’s digestive system had been extracted.
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