Übersetzung für "algo que he" auf englisch
Algo que he
Algo que he mantenido años en secreto.
Something I have kept to myself for years.
Algo que he escrito.
Something I have written.
Algo que he comido que no estaba de acuerdo conmigo.
Something I have eaten that didn't agree with me.
Zarda, me has mostrado algo que he perdido.
Zarda, you have shown me something I have missed.
¡Es algo que he estado haciendo, más que ti!
That's something I have been doing, more so than you!
Pero antes hay algo que he de resolver.
Well, there's something I have to straighten out first.
Algo que he aprendido de las mujeres.
Something I have learned about women.
Algo que he usado yo es tuyo para siempre.
Something i have used is yours forever.
Aunque... hay algo que he estado guardando en secreto últimamente.
although... there is something I have been secretly wanting lately.
Es algo que he hecho.
That's something I have done
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