Übersetzung für "aislarlo" auf englisch
Ähnliche Kontextphrasen
Entonces, por una acción concertada, intenta aislarlos en los planos político, económico y comercial.
It then seeks, by a concerted action, to isolate them politically, economically and commercially.
Debemos dialogar con aquellos con quienes tenemos diferencias, en lugar de intentar aislarlos.
We must engage those with whom we have differences in dialogue, rather than seek to isolate them.
Instó a la comunidad internacional a que proporcionara pruebas que permitieran enjuiciar a los culpables, lo que contribuiría a aislarlos.
He urged the international community to provide prosecutable evidence, which would contribute to the isolation of the perpetrators.
Quiero pedirles disculpas por el inhumano muro que se construye para aislarlos.
I want to apologize for the inhumane wall being built to isolate them.
Demasiados factores influyen en el uso indebido de drogas y es difícil aislarlos unos de otros.
There are too many factors influencing drug abuse and it is difficult to isolate them from one another.
Es preciso extraer los PCB y PCDD/PCDF utilizando disolventes o aislarlos por vaporización.
Pre-treatment: PCBs and PCDDs/PCDFs must be extracted using solvents or isolated by vaporization.
Israel debe dejar de oprimir al pueblo palestino y de aislarlo social y económicamente.
Israel must end its stranglehold on the Palestinian people and stop isolating them socially and economically.
En la medida de lo posible, se procura rehabilitarlos sin aislarlos de la sociedad.
As far as possible, efforts were made to rehabilitate juvenile offenders without isolating them from society.
Asociarse con el Gobierno afgano ofrece más esperanzas de mejorar la situación que los intentos de acorralarlo y aislarlo.
Engagement with the Afghan Government offers better hope for amelioration than attempts to drive it into a corner and isolate it.
—Tenéis que aislarlas.
You need to isolate them.
– ¿Para qué hay que aislarlas, don Juan?
Why do they isolate them, don Juan?
—La capacidad que tienen de aislarlo a uno de sus congéneres.
Their power of isolating a man from his fellows.
El dinero empezaba a aislarlo de los demás.
The money was beginning to isolate him.
Estaban intentando aislarla. Ya se lo esperaba;
They were trying to isolate her. She had expected this;
También es necesario aislarlo completamente.
And another thing: he’s got to be kept in total, utter isolation.
Aislarlos y estrangularlos en su propia mediocridad.
Isolate them and strangle them in their own mediocrity.
—Sé que podemos aislarlos adecuadamente.
I know we can isolate them adequately.
- Debimos aislarlos inmediatamente.
- Should have been isolated.
Aislarlo e identificarlo. Sí.
Isolate and identify.
Es necesario aislarla.
- She should be isolated.
Será mejor aislarlo.
Better off isolating him.
Hay que aislarle.
He must be isolated.
Tal vez pueda aislarlo.
Maybe isolate him.
No pudimos aislarlo.
The strain won't isolate.
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