Übersetzung für "поножи" auf englisch
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Каждый воин был облачен в стальную кольчужную рубаху до колен, а на ногах – поножи из прочной и гибкой сетчатой металлической ткани, секрет изготовления которой знали лишь в племени Даина.
Each one of his folk was clad in a hauberk of steel mail that hung to his knees, and his legs were covered with hose of a fine and flexible metal mesh, the secret of whose making was possessed by Dain’s people.
Ног их я не видел, но и они, конечно же, были покрыты поножами.
I could not see their legs but I guessed that they were sheathed in greaves, as well.
он сам был защищен шлемом, панцирем, поножами и наручнями.
his own helmet, tunic, and leg and arm guards shielded him.
На ногах кожаные поножи и сандалии. Маршируя, легионеры пели.
On their legs and feet they wore leather greaves and nailed sandals, and they sang as they marched.
Два самурая помогли покупателю надеть броню, поножи и шлем.
Two samurai helped the customer don armor tunic, leg guards, and helmet.
Магические поножи ускорили Дриззта: невозможно было уследить за его ногами.
Magical anklets sped Drizzt on his way, his legs moving in a blur.
На панцире, поножах и наручнях тоже виднелся узор в виде мерцающей листвы.
The breastplate too was embossed with shimmering leaves, as were the greaves and leggings.
Поножь на правой ноге была изготовлена так искусно, что повторяла рельеф мускулатуры.
The greave Brutus wore on his right leg was skillfully shaped to follow the muscles.
Он носил два меча на поясе, поножи и броню поверх одежды.
He wore his two swords at his waist and an armor tunic and leg guards over his robes.
Сбоку из его пасти свисала слегка покачивающаяся нога в поножах, но босая и грязная.
For out of the side of that mouth hung an armored dwarf leg with a dirty bare foot dangling limply at its end.
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