Übersetzung für "virginie" auf englisch
  • virginie's
- tu e Virginie litigavate, ok. - Si', ok.
With Virginie, you would have fights.
Sono io, Virginie.
It's me, Virginie.
Beatae Mariae semper virgini, beato Micaeli arcangelo.
...Omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper virgini, beato Michaeli archangelo.
- Virginie Girault, mia nipote.
Who is she? - Virginie Jerome.
Ma non è Virginie, quella là in fondo?
Isn't Virginie down there? At least let honor...
E comunque, Virginie, hai nulla da dire?
By the way, Virginie, have you anything to say?
Ho dovuto lasciare il West Virginia in fretta.
Had to get me out of West Virginie quick.
Virginie, di' qualcosa.
Virginie, say something.
Virginie, sgombera il tavolo.
Virginie, clear the table.
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