Übersetzung für "tenendolo" auf englisch
E se usassi il cellulare tenendolo all'orecchio?
How about you hold the phone up to your ear?
Solo tenendola in braccio?
Just by holding her?
Papa', pensi di essere figo tenendolo?
Dad, you think you look pretty cool holding that?
tenendola per mano...
and hold her hand.
- Solo... tenendoli per mano?
Just holding their hands? Uh-huh.
- Natalie... - Ci ho provato incoraggiandola, tenendola per mano,
I've tried cheerleading, hand-holding, tough love.
- tenendolo in riga.
- keeping him in line.
- Intendo tenendolo al sicuro.
- I mean by keeping him safe.
Non la proteggerai tenendola all'oscuro.
You're not protecting her by keeping her in the dark.
Stuprare la mia Riko, tenendola chiusa in...
Raping my Riko, keeping her locked in...
- Tenendoli giù dal prato?
- For keeping kids off the grass?
Guadagnare punti tenendoli lontano dai pericoli.
Earn points by keeping them out of harm's way.
Tenendola qui, hai rotto il tuo giuramento.
By keeping her here you break your oath.
Non guadagnate di piu' tenendolo in vita?
Don't you make more money by keeping him alive?
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