Übersetzung für "roosevelt fu" auf englisch
Roosevelt fu
Non eravamo sicuri che sareste venuti in nostro aiuto, e a un certo punto Harry Hopkins, l'emissario del Presidente Americano Roosevelt, fu mandato in Gran Bretagna.
It wasn't always certain that they would come to our help, and at one point harry hopkins, the emissary to the american president roosevelt, was sent to britain.
Franklin D. Roosevelt fu eletto alle presidenziali del 1932.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was swept into office during the 1932 presidential election.
Quando la storia venne fuori, l'opinione pubblica rimase indignata e Roosevelt fu messo alle strette.
Once the story got out, the public was outraged, and Roosevelt was put into a box.
Ma Roosevelt fu trionfalmente rieletto.
But Roosevelt was triumphantly re-elected.
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