Übersetzung für "respirarla" auf englisch
Dovete solo respirarla.
All you have to do is breathe it in.
E se dipendesse solo dal respirarlo?
What if just breathing it is enough?
Magari non dovremmo respirarlo.
Maybe we shouldn't be breathing it.
Devo rimparare a conoscerla, respirarla.
I need to get to know the place again, breathe it in.
E' mortale anche solo respirarlo.
It's deadly just breathing it in.
E' come l'aria, devi solo respirarla.
It's like air. You just got to breathe it.
Fa' attenzione, non respirarlo.
Careful... don't breathe it in. I need you awake for this.
Se continuiamo a respirarla perderemo i sensi.
If we continue to breathe it we lose consciousness.
Riesco persino a respirarla...
I can breathe it in.
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