Übersetzung für "preside" auf englisch
- Preside P.C.
- I'm P.C. Principal.
Il preside di Henry.
Henry's principal.
L'assistente del preside?
Principal's assistant?
E' il preside!
It's the principal!
Preside, accesso garantito.
Headmaster access granted.
Malcolm Croft, preside.
Malcolm Croft, headmaster.
Il preside Marshall.
Marshall, the headmaster.
- L'ufficio di Preside?
- Headmaster's office?
- Il nostro preside.
He's our headmaster.
Nell'ufficio di Preside.
Headmaster's office, now.
Buonasera, signor preside!
Good evening, headmaster.
Spariamo al preside
Shoot the headmaster.
La ringrazio, Preside.
Thank you, Headmaster.
L'elenco del Preside.
The Headmaster's list.
Sono il preside.
- I'm the dean.
Un preside armato!
Drive-by deaning!
Luci... telecamere... Preside!
Lights, camera, Dean.
Ehi, preside Yeager!
Hey, Dean Yeager!
Lui e' il vostro preside. Preside.
This is your Dean, Dean.
Che mondo sarebbe senza preside, che mondo, che preside...
Dean machine. Got dean, got much, much got--
Preside o scherzetto?
Trick or Dean!
Preside Queller, salve.
Headmistress queller, hi.
Alla nostra preside.
To our headmistress.
Per lei, Preside...
For you, headmistress...
Kaspar, dalla preside.
Kaspar, to the headmistress.
Salve, Preside Queller.
Hello, headmistress queller.
Ben fatto, preside.
Well done, headmistress.
Oh, preside Queller.
Oh, headmistress queller.
Grazie mille, preside!
Thank you, Headmistress!
- Mi scusi, preside. - Scusi.
I'm sorry, Headmistress.
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