Übersetzung für "la megafauna" auf englisch
La megafauna
the megafauna
Ma fu solo quando il ghiaccio infine si ritiro', solo 10.000 anni fa, che la megafauna scomparse.
But it was only when the ice finally retreated, just 10,000 years ago, that the Megafauna vanished.
Alcune prove archeologiche, comprese le loro famose punte di lancia, rivelano che i Clovis prosperarono durante l'ultima grande era glaciale cacciando la megafauna, che era composta da enormi mammut e mastodonti.
Archaeological evidence, including their famed spear points, reveals the Clovis people thrived during the last great ice age by hunting the megafauna, including huge mammoths and mastodons.
Improvvisamente la megafauna comincio' a scomparire.
The megafauna suddenly began to disappear.
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