Übersetzung für "frequentassi" auf englisch
Ma ho la sensazione che McAlpin non frequentasse molti sushi bar.
Only I get the feeling that Private McAlpin didn't frequent many sushi bars.
Fermeremo tutte quelle guidate da un maschio, bianco, che corrisponda alla descrizione di Yates e controlleremo ogni luogo che sappiamo Yates frequentasse quando viveva qui.
We're gonna stop every one driven by a male, white, that fits Yates' description and check every known location that Yates frequented when he lived here.
Non ha notato se, dopo l'ingaggio del signor Fabrini la signora Carlsen frequentasse l'officina più di prima?
Did you ever notice that after Fabrini came to work at Carlsen's that Mrs. Carlsen frequented the garage more than she had previously?
Non sapevo che frequentassi certi posti, Emily.
Oh, I didn't know you frequented such places, Emily.
Mi aiuteresti... - se non frequentassi Danny?
That you would help me if I wasn't dating Danny?
"Frequentassi", che parolone.
I mean, I wouldn't exactly call it dating.
Credevo non frequentasse attori.
I thought she didn't date actors.
- Non credevo frequentassi qualcuno.
I didn't even know you were dating.
Sarebbe strano se anch'io ti frequentassi?
Would it be awkward if I also dated you?
Era inevitabile che tu frequentassi qualcuno che conosco.
You were bound to date someone I knew.
- Non credo la frequentasse.
I don't think he actually dated her.
- Pensavo frequentassi Lil V.
- I thought you were dating Lil v.
Odiava che frequentassi altre donne.
She used to hate when I dated other women.
Per sapere se frequentassi qualcuno.
To ask me if I was dating anyone.
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