Übersetzung für "ekaterinburgo" auf englisch
Fino a Ekaterinburg ci sono duemila verste.
It's 2,000 versts to Yekaterinburg.
E ora ditemi, e' lontano Ekaterinburg?
Now tell me, how far is Yekaterinburg?
Il 18 luglio 1918 Nicola venne giustiziato con la sua famiglia dai bolscevichi, a Ekaterinburg.
July 1, 1918 Nicholas was executed - and his family by Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg, outside.
Sono nato a Ekaterinburg il 20 ottobre 1940.
I was born in Ekaterinburg, on the 20th of October 1940.
Me ne andrò da Ekaterinburg... e vado finalmente a Mosca.
I'm leaving Ekaterinburg I'm finally going to Moscow.
Era nata a Ekaterinburg.
She was born in Ekaterinburg.
Perm, Ekaterinburg e Elabuga sono state conquistate.
Perm, Ekaterinburg and Elabuga have been taken.
Come tu sai, sta contestando l'affermazione dei Russi secondo la quale i resti dei Romanov ritrovati a Ekaterinburg sarebbero autentici.
He's,of course you know,challenging the Russian claim that the Romanov remains found in Ekaterinburg are authentic.
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