Übersetzung für "clinton ha" auf englisch
Clinton ha
  • clinton has
clinton has
Clinton ha ricevuto tre telefonate per discutere la consegna di un pacchetto vicino al negozio di parrucchiere. - La consegna di cosa?
Clinton has received three phone calls to discuss the delivery of a package near the shop.
Clinton ha fatto scattare la trappola e noi siamo in inferiorita' numerica.
Clinton has sprung a trap and we are outnumbered.
...in effetti i sondaggi sono finiti... e la First Lady degli Stati Uniti d'America, Hillary Rodham Clinton, ha sconfitto... il Deputato Rick Lazio... diventando cosi' una Senatrice dello Stato di New York.
and indeed those polls have closed and the first lady of the united states of america, hillary rodham clinton, has defeated congressman rick lazio and will become the junior senator from new york.
George Clinton ha rapito tua madre.
George Clinton has kidnapped your mother.
Clinton ha due piedi sinistri.
Clinton has got two left feet.
Scommetto che anche Hillary Clinton ha dovuto sopportare queste stronzate da chiunque l'abbia preceduta come Segretario di Stato.
I bet even Hillary Clinton has to put up with this crap from whoever was secretary of state before her.
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