Übersetzung für "professionalisation" auf englisch
:: Promouvoir la professionnalisation de l'enseignement.
:: Promote the professionalization of teachers.
Professional networking (réseaux professionnels)
Professional networking
de la professionnalisation des organes de sécurité; la
professionalization of the security forces and the
Renforcement et professionnalisation institutionnels
Institution-building and professionalization
F. Professionnalisation des fonctionnaires
F. Professionalization of civil servants
Yo queria ser una luchadora profesional de kickboxing.
I used to want to be a professional kickboxer.
Professional Standards, s'ils te pressent, tu dis ça... exactement ça.
Professional standards, if they press you, you say that... exactly that.
J'ai reçu la lettre du cabinet "Professional Standards".
I got the letter from Professional Standards.
Dite à Professional Standards qu'on gèrera cette question en interne.
Tell professional standards that we'll handle this matter internally.
Professional Standards, Duncan, son avocat, ton représentant syndical... ils seront bientôt tous ici.
Professional standards, Duncan, his lawyer, your union rep... they're all gonna be here soon.
Professional Standards arrive bientôt.
Professional standards is gonna be here really soon.
Le bureau Professional vient d'appeler
Professional standards just phoned.
Pour que tu entres à la Professional Children's School
To the professional children's school
Je vais représenter les intérêts de la All Professional Hockey Ligue.
I'll be representing the interests of the All Professional Hockey League.
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