Je lui offrais de continuer à prêter mes bons offices, par l'entremise de mon Conseiller spécial, pour intervenir auprès de tous les intéressés et faciliter la poursuite des efforts sur ces sujets et d'autres, en prélude aux élections prévues pour 2010.
I offered the continued support of my good offices through my Special Adviser to engage with all concerned and facilitate further efforts in these and other areas ahead of the planned elections in 2010.
Il y a un an, j'offrais un concept pour un nouveau Moyen-Orient.
A year ago, I offered a concept for a new Middle East.
J'offrais un travail ce soir.
I was offered a job tonight.
J'offrais juste une danse.
I was just offering a lap dance.
Tu ne m'en offrais aucune.
You wouldn't offer any.
Je t'offrais mes services.
I'm just offering you my services.
Je vous t'offrais la tienne.
I was offering you yours.
J'offrais mes services.
Just offering my services.
Je leur offrais 1000 $ .
I offered them a thousand a piece.
Je lui offrais des chocolats.
I offered chocolates.
J'offrais juste un réconfort
I was just offering consolation.
Du moment que tu me les offrais.
As long as you give it to me.
J'en offrais à Edna quand...
I was just giving some to Edna when...
Je lui offrais ce qu'elle voulait.
I was giving her what she wanted.
C'est pas un cadeau que je t'offrais...
I'm not giving you a gift.
Tom, et si tu m'offrais un thé ?
Tom, how about giving me tea?
Je lui offrais un détartrage.
I was giving him a free teeth cleaning.
Je t'offrais la possibilité de tout nier.
I was giving you deniability.
Tu m'offrais un nouveau départ.
You were giving me a new start. A chance to live again.
Si tu me l'offrais pour Noël, Pye ?
Why don't you give me him for Christmas?
J'offrais un cadeau d'adieu à Defred.
I was just giving Offred a farewell gift.
- J'offrais une option.
- I was presenting it as an option.
Je pense que ça serait vraiment impoli si je n'offrais pas un accueil chaleureux de Floride à nôtre jeune visiteuse Islandaise.
I think it would be incredibly rude if I were not to extend a warm Florida greeting to our young Icelandic visitor.
Je vous offrais la première, et on passe au forfait Élite, sept pubs pour un prix défiant toute concurrence de 6 500 $.
The first one was gratis. That's my treat. Now we're moving on to the Elite package... seven commercials for the heavily discounted price
Je pensais que tu me l'offrais.
You asked, I thought you was treating.
Alors je m'offrais un verre ou deux, même quatre une fois, à l'Anchor en face du bureau.
So I would treat myself to a drink or two, or one time, four, at The Anchor across the street from the office.
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