Übersetzung für "il attache" auf englisch
Il s'attache à des invités en parfaite santé Et soudainement, tout le personnel est infecté
He attaches himself to a healthy host company and the next thing you know, the entire staff is infected.
Et il l'installe, il l'attache aux barres métalliques et il prend son temps !
And he put it. He attached it to the metal bars, and he takes time, and it was kind of suspense, because, you know, it's Disneyland.
Il a si peur à l'idée de pouvoir laisser libre cours à ses émotions, il s'attache à une femme qui l'a trompé.
He's so afraid that he might actually act on his feelings for you, he's attached himself to a woman who's cheated on him.
Maintenant, il va croire que tous ceux à qui il s'attache finissent en prison.
He's beginning to think anybody he attaches himself to is gonna end up in prison.
Il s'attache trop à Bobby et toi.
I don't like how he's attached himself to you and Bobby.
Attaché administratif
Administrative Attache
Attaché militaire
Military Attache
Il s'attache à une forme de vie et s'en nourrit.
It attaches itself to a life form and feeds.
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