Übersetzung für "eu la vision" auf englisch
Eu la vision
  • had the vision
had the vision
Lorsque tu as eu la vision, étiez-vous en train de tenir un bong de pomme,(pour fumer) ou tu fumais simplement de la bonne vieille beuh ?
When you had the vision, were you holding an apple bong, or did you just smoke an old-school spliff?
J'ai déjà eu la vision.
I've already had the vision.
Et à ma mère, qui a eu la vision et la confiance de concevoir une maison avec assez de place pour des petits-enfants.
And to my mom, who had the vision and confidence to design a house with enough room for grandchildren.
C'est pourquoi j'ai eu la vision.
That's why I had the vision.
Je savais qui Omri Nellas était hier soir quand je eu la vision de lui.
I knew who Omri Nellas was last night when I had the vision of him.
M. Lincoln a eu la vision de construire ce chemin de fer.
Mr. Lincoln had the vision to conceive this railroad.
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