Übersetzung für "est stipulation" auf englisch
Cet arrangement est stipulé par la loi.
This arrangement is stipulated in the law.
Cet article stipule ce qui suit :
This article stipulates:
Il stipule que:
In the said article it is stipulated that:
L'article 394 stipule :
Article 394 stipulates:
Il est stipulé dans notre Constitution que
It is stipulated in our Constitution that
Cette loi stipule notamment :
The law also stipulates,
Cette contradiction pourrait être résolue si l'on remplaçait l'expression << telle que stipulée >> par << si elle est stipulée >>.
That inconsistency could be resolved by replacing the words "as stipulated", in paragraph 1, with the words "if stipulated".
L'article 14 stipule:
Article 14 stipulates that:
contains stipulations of a normative character and stipulations of a contracual character.
contains stipulations of a normative character and stipulations of a contractual character.
Dans mon contrat, il est stipulé que je fournisse un espace de travail temporaire.
In my contract, it is stipulated that I provide a temporary work space.
La reddition de tous les membres du Kha'Ri est stipulée dans l'accord.
Surrender by all members of the Kha'Ri is stipulated in the Narn - Centauri agreement.
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