Übersetzung für "annonce ce" auf englisch
Annonce ce
announce this
Je voudrais l'annoncer ce soir, au bal.
Let me announce this evening it at the ball.
- Si je fais mon annonce ce matin, il en arrivera dans 5mn.
If I make the announcement this morning, they'll be arriving in 5 minutes.
La radio espagnole et l'agence SIFRA l'ont annoncé ce matin.
It was announced this morning by the official news agency.
J'étais à la conférence, quand les Américains ont annoncé... ce don pour la recherche lunaire.
Well, now I was at the conference... when the Americans announced this gift for lunar research. Didn't like it one bit.
Il annonce ce spectacle de crapauds et de caméléons, que j'ai eu un mal fou à habiller !
He announces this show made with toads and chameleons, which were so hard to dress!
Ouais, ça a été annoncé ce matin même.
Yeah, it was just announced this morning.
Mais on a annoncé ce matin la libération imminente de Ben Day.
But it was announced this morning that Ben day will be released from prison shortly.
Vous pouvez annoncer ce chanteur, je ne comprends pas son nom.
I wish you'd announce this singer. I can't make out the name.
Le préfet de police a fait une annonce ce matin.
The Commissioner made an announcement this morning.
Je n'ai qu'une chose à annoncer ce matin : c'est que Miss Lucy, la gardienne des élèves de quatrième année, ne travaille plus à Hailsham.
There will be only one announcement this morning, which is that Miss Lucy, who was guardian to the fourth-year students, is no longer working at Hailsham.
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